You decide to take a beat, sit at your desk, and go through everything you know so far. Let's put together a timeline.
Presumably, Dangerous Dealer gives the killer a knife. Feels safe to assume that our murderer is the Twilight Gang's own Silent Killer, but you decide to put an asterisk by that for the moment being.
Custodial Staff clocked in at 10 AM. Grand Homme did the same at 9 AM.
Ten minutes before the murder, Grand Homme sends out a shipment.
Custodial Staff clocks out about five minutes before the murder. At the same time, Heavy Bodyguard makes their way into the lobby, telling people to head upstairs.
The doorman dozes off. Sometime after that, the receptionist takes their break.
The body is carried away, and the receptionist sees the victim's limp foot dragged away around the corner.
The police get called in. Shortly after, you get called in.
Body imprint fits your body perfectly. Strange note in the paper recycling - surrounding what was a delicious churro - seems to relate to the case in some way. Might be a schedule of some kind, mentioning meeting with the gang, and letting S* do his thing. Based on your hunch that SK perpetrated the murder, that could refer him.
Just a few dots more to connect. Where does the fourth member of the Twilight Gang fit into this? It's not like them to do a job with three out of four members. Where's the body now? Who's the victim? Where's Grand Homme now? Who was that messing with the computer in CS's office?